
17 More Days
4:19 AM - 24 November 2008

I woke up today at about 3:50am something.

I went to bed at like 7:22pm.

I love it when I wake up at these times.

Plus I actually have time to properly get ready.


I am going back to Portland for Christmas

I have yet to tell my parents

I have told my Sister though

She doesn't think they will care much :)
....not like they have a choice *grin*

I am trying to figure out what to do with the cats.

I had a bad dream last night.

It was my final.

Not sure what class,

But Cash was the teacher (former debate teacher).

She was having us write a huge paper plus model a whole scene in Maya x.X

Silly dreams.

Oh! I also got Sammie's phone number :3


I called her, she was on her way to work.

She is the only person that I have ever known that enjoys working at a fast food place.

Nothing else is currently on my mind.

Time to think about getting ready~

Till next time...

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