
The Weekend
6:32 PM - 09 November 2008

It has been an odd weekend.

I will start with Friday.

I went over to my neigbor/friend(Andy)'s house. Just to hang out.

He planned on going to see Saw V with a group of friends. One of those friends was on there way to his house.

The friend's name is Sammie. A cute girl, age 16. Before her arrival, her Father called to see if Andy had any parents over. Just to make sure.

Anyway, Sammie don't get out much, besides school. First time since she has lived with her Father, which has been 3 years.

Andy would later tell me she is normally shy people she doesn't know. For some reason, she wasn't shy around me. We all talked. She said how Andy's house looks like it came from a magazine. Then I said they have remodeled several times.

After the tour we went upstairs. It ended up neither of them wanted to see Saw V. I said I would like to go to the movies, but I would need to get money before we go.

So then we went to my house. Dad was asleep, so no money. I gave a short tour of the house. Sammie liked my house too.

While Andy was in the bathroom, I showed Sammie some of my photos.

I quickly went through Main and CA Trip folders. She telling me she "wanted that one" every few items.

From there we went off.

We ended up seeing Role Models. We all liked it more or less. We went back to Andy's house and watched YouTube videos.

I forgot to mention she is a Dr. Who fan. *smile*

The day around noon, Andy came over. We watched a episode of South Park, then he left. I went over to his house after I cleaned myself up.

When I was in the process of showering and such. I noticed the grime on my collar. I decide to go collarless for a bit. To see how it would feel without it.

When I went to Andy's house, he said we should go rent a movie...we left to go to Hastings, but took a short stop.

Andy asked if I mind if he smoked. I said sure. He then pulled out his bong made out of a Coke bottle and smoked some pot.

I likely had an odd face on.

We then went into town, with him driving like a madman.

He ended up picking Death to Smoochy and Around the World in 80 Days

We went back to his house. Started watching Smoochy. We stopped for dinner. I was invited to eat dinner with them.

During dinner I got a call from Mom, asking that I come home for a bit.

I went home, talked to my Mom, changed my shirt and went back. We finished the movie and watched the next one.

I was booted off around 8. I went to Walmart to get some half and half for Dad.

At Walmart, after running into some girl from my English class, I saw Jeremy in Walmart-employee attire.

He walks around and cleans floors. So I walked with him for a good three hours. Just talking.

I then came home and went to bed.

Today has been a pretty normal day. I was yelled at earlier over some stupid sticks. I found my glasses, and finally found out that Jon, Alisha (his sister), and her boyfriend may be moving to Massachusetts.

I was a bit shocked. There are some local job problems that is forcing Jon's parents to move. Jon and Alisha are taking the leave because of that.

I am now writing this while I should be writing my English paper or in the DMI lab doing w/e on my AT-ST.


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